Doing this alone will solve 80% of your system issues. Scan your system with up-to-date antivirus program and keep your system clean. Malware and virus programs can corrupt our files beyond repairable. Append the string “-no-sandbox-” at the end of target field.Select “Properties” and navigate to the tab “Shorcut”.Right click on the Google chrome short cut (In Desktop).Try disabling this feature and check whether the problem persist. Sandbox mode security feature can make your chrome go not responding.
If you use external proxies in your browser, verify the data entered under the manual proxy settings are correct.

Generally, you don’t need to do anything with proxy settings.

Click “ change proxy settings” under the label Network.Navigate to settings->advanced settings.Incorrect proxy settings might cause this issue. If you break your head with why is my Google chrome not working, check the proxy settings. Trick 5 : Bad Proxies Might Be The Culprit It will show you all the extensions installed in your browser. Spot that one and disable it permanently. It will help you identify the plug-in which causes the incompatibility issues. Try disabling all the third party extensions and re activate it one by one and check the browser. Sometimes malfunction of third party plug-in(s) can trigger the Google chrome not responding error. Choose the frozen tab or tabs and hit end process.You will get a window showing all the running processes and extensions.You can do this by pressing the keys “Shift+Esc” To do this open chrome’s task manager.At times, closing only the non responsive tabs will fix the issue. When you open more than one tab in Google chrome, chances are one or few tabs will get frozen. Trick 3 : Close the non responsive window This will show all the cookies and data stored in your browser. Change the settings as per your preferences and click on “ All cookies and site data“.Expand the “ Privacy Section” and Click “Content settings”.Click “ Settings->show advanced settings“.By default, Google chrome allows cookies from all website. Every additional KB you add up with the “Temporary memory” will slow down your system. Though cookie files will not consume much of the memory, what if you visit 100 sites per day? You don’t really need to keep cookies from every website you visit. ( Side note: This is how websites like ebay, amazon show ads as per your previous view, purchasing history). When you visit the same website in future, this file will be used to remember who you are and what you saw in that website etc. It will record your preferences, browsing history and the like info. Whenever you visit a new website, it leaves a small piece of data called cookies with your web browser. Now re-launch the browser and check whether you get the same error again. In the upcoming window, leaving the options, passwords and content licenses, check all other boxes as shown below.Click, “ More Tools > Clear Browsing Data” or use the short cut “Ctrl+Shift+Del”.Open Google chrome, clear the cache, browsing history and cookies. The new render engine is making sites look extremely ugly and the browser is rather slow.Sometimes your browser optimization is more than enough to fix the chrome not responding problem. They are releasing too many versions and each version after Firefox 3.6 was a little worse. Firefox is pushing out new versions like crazy. Re-installing or upgrading Firefox often helps to fix issues. Step Make sure you can see hidden folders or you might not be able to access that folderģ. (username)\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\faultĢ.
Step Open the Windows Explorer and go to D:\Users\ Now start Firefox again and the error will be gone.ġ. You will be asked for confirmation “Do you want to end firefox.exe *32, click End Process Hit F on your keyboard until you find Firefox.exe, then right-click on it and select End Process: Then go to the tab Processess and select a process. Hit CTRL + ALT + DEL on your keyboard and at the bottom click on Start Task Manager The easiest solution is obviously to open the task manager and then right-click the process Firefox and select End Process To open a new windows, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.

Do you always get the error “Firefox is already running, but is not responding.